Tuesday, 13 December 2011

1 "Game of Thrones" Season 2 Teaser Trailer

HBO has released a brand new teaser trailer for the second season of Game of Thrones.

In the video titled "Cold Winds", you can listen to Stannis Baratheon´s voice (Stephen Dillane) as unreleased footage for the upcoming second season is being shown.

Click on the video above to watch!

Are you counting the days?


  1. I have never read George R.R. Martin’s books; I have heard that other then some details that the show basically follows them. I am sure the books are much better, but I figured rather then ruin the series I would wait to read them until after the series have completed. Now that season 2 is a few months away, we can start anxiously waiting for the premiere, and all the teasers and trailer HBO will be throwing our way like this one. I read that they refused the first two trailers saying they were amazing and extremely good, maybe they didn’t want us to explode too soon. I am thinking of watching season 1 again just to refresh my head with everything that happened luckily HBO is nice enough to have them all available to subscribers. It used to be just on HBO GO, or on DISH online for me, but now my DISH remote access app has been updated to watch all HBO content on demand on my iPad no matter where I am, so that will come in handy since I use that app daily. Also working nights at DISH, I can stay caught up without having to wait until I get home since HBO posts episodes right after they air. This will be a great season I am sure, but I hope Tyrian doesn’t get killed off yet.
